Pregnant? Need Help?

  • Crisis Pregnancy Center

    All their services are free of charge and confidential. They give pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, counseling, and support during pregnancy and in many cases up to two years after the child is born. Many women working at Crisis Pregnancy Centers are post-abortive themselves and understand how it feels to be caught in an unplanned pregnancy, alone and afraid. Find a crisis pregnancy center near you.

  • Crisis Pregnancy Hotline

    If you need immediate help call the Pregnancy Center hotline anytime 24/7: 1-800-395-HELP

  • Abortion Pill Reversal Hotline

    If you have taken the abortion pill in the last 72 hours, there is still hope to save your baby. You can reverse its harmful effects. Call the 24/7 Abortion Pill Reversal hotline: (877) 558-0333 for help. Go to for more information.