What We Believe

  • The Scriptures

    We believe God inspired all the words of The Bible without error to give mankind, His authoritative message.

  • The Godhead

    We believe in one God eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

  • Jesus Christ

    We believe in His full deity, His virgin birth, His real humanity, His sinless life, His substitutionary death, His bodily resurrection, His ascension into Heaven, His present ministry as High Priest, and His future personal return to this earth.

  • The Holy Spirit

    We believe in His full deity. He convicts sinners and saves those who believe in Christ. He indwells, seals, and places believers into the body of Christ. He gives spiritual gifts and the power to live the Christian life.

  • Man

    We believe that God created all things as described in Genesis. We believe that the first man, Adam, sinned bringing spiritual death to all mankind, who, therefore, stand condemned, making the new birth absolutely necessary.

  • Marriage

    We believe God created the institution of marriage to be between one man and one woman in a committed, life-long relationship and that all sexual activity should be enjoyed within that context alone.

  • Salvation

    We believe that God gives eternal life to those who repent and put their faith in Christ alone, justifying them by the blood of Christ and imputing His righteousness to them.

  • The Church

    We believe in the worldwide church to which all believers belong. We believe in the importance of the local church which is made up of believers who gather for worship, fellowship, and teaching. We believe in the responsibility of the Church to fulfill the Great Commission of Christ, preaching the Gospel to all nations.

  • The Future

    We believe in the eternal existence of the soul, the resurrection of the body, the eternal blessedness of believers in Heaven, and the eternal punishment of unbelievers in Hell.

  • Abortion

    We believe abortion to be a savage act of violence strictly prohibited by God in the sixth commandment. We believe that life begins at fertilization and every human life is made in the image of God. Therefore, we are adamantly opposed to practices that intentionally destroy human lives such as abortifacient birth control, in vitro fertilization, and elective abortion. We believe abortion must be banned immediately in the United States and around the world and are committed to seeing this evil act abolished.

  • Abortion Victim Photography

    We believe that America will not end abortion until America sees abortion. Therefore, we are committed to the public display of pictures and video that accurately depict the violence of abortion. (This paragraph reflects our mission statement but is not included in our doctrinal statement).